3 Toxic Myths About Self-Confidence

3 Toxic Myths About Self-Confidence

Three of the most common misguided thoughts we have surrounding self-confidence destroyed…so you can start feeling better today.

Myth #1: If I were skinnier or prettier, I would be more confident.

I hear some version of this misguided belief all the time. “I will be so much more confident when I can fit into my skinny jeans.”If only I looked like her, then I would be confident.”

The belief that you have to change your looks to feel good about yourself is not only poisonous, it’s simply not true. Being pretty or skinny will not automatically make you love yourself, because self-confidence has nothing to do with your outward appearance.

Self-confidence is created by your thoughts. Period. You can build your confidence by deprogramming your thoughts – without having to get a makeover or change the number on the scale.

Myth #2: I would be more confident if my husband complimented me more.

Here’s another truth bomb >>> Your brain only cares about what YOU think about yourself. No amount of compliments from someone else will boost your self-confidence. No one else is in charge of how much you love yourself. It always comes from within. Your underlying thoughts and beliefs about yourself are what will make or break your self-confidence.  

Myth #3: Success equals confidence, and since I’m not where I want to be yet, I can’t fully step into my confidence.

Your self-confidence does not come from your job, your achievements or the amount of money you make. It’s time to dismantle these myths that have been programmed into us from a young age. As long as you’re chasing accolades and promotions to create your self-confidence, you’re robbing yourself of the opportunity to step into your power NOW.

You do not need permission to be self-confident. You don’t need to “earn it” through success, your appearance, or from other people’s opinions of you. If you want to feel great about yourself now, release these 3 myths and start to be deliberate with the thoughts you think.

All it takes to start building confidence is ONE SHIFT in thought. How amazing is that?

If you want some support or guidance on creating your shift, come join my free FB group. We are spending the entire month of March learning to build self-confidence and step into our power.

Join here >>> www.facebook.com/groups/momswhowantmore

The time I invested $18K on certification, quit corporate, and went all in on my life coaching business

The time I invested $18K on certification, quit corporate, and went all in on my life coaching business

“It always feels too soon to leap. But you have to. Because that’s the moment between you and remarkable.”

-Seth Godin

Playing it Safe

After years of playing it safe in the business world, grinding away for someone else’s dream, I finally decided to take a big leap – an $18,000 leap. As a person who has always taken the safe and responsible route, this seemed like mid-life crisis level crazy.

To get certified as a life coach and study under the best, it would cost $18K. As a military family with no savings, this was A LOT of money. Financially it made no sense. I had a flexible, work-at-home position in the corporate world making more than I ever had. Why leave behind a job most moms would kill for and risk financial ruin?

Waiting for Someday

I was tired of feeling like I was meant for more. Tired of waking up each day dreading the work ahead of me. After watching my dad complain about his job daily, I decided long ago that someday I would find a job I loved – and it was time to stop waiting for “someday”.

I took out a loan, quit my job and went all in on myself. It was scary, but also exhilarating. I still haven’t fully paid off that loan yet, but I don’t regret my decision one bit. While I can’t be guaranteed success, I have the next best thing: mindset. I now know how to manage my mind to set myself up for success.

Mindset is the key to success

Mindset will make or break your success. It is the difference between seeing failure as a sign to quit vs. a time to learn. Mindset is practicing belief in yourself, in your skills, and your ability to learn and handle anything. I know I will succeed because I have the mindset tools to turn every obstacle and failure into an opportunity for growth. I’ve learned how to handle any emotion, work through any mind drama, and rebuild my belief when doubt sets in.

If I can learn this, you can too. Let me show you how. If you are ready to take the leap and go all in on your dreams, let’s get you set up for success with the right mindset. Book a free 30-minute session with me and get started right away on building a mindset of belief and self-confidence.

Book here >>> https://schedulelindsayshortcoaching.as.me/minisession

3 Simple Steps to Get Started on a Bigger, More Fulfilling Life

3 Simple Steps to Get Started on a Bigger, More Fulfilling Life

Are you dreaming of a bigger, bolder and more fulfilling life, but have no idea what that looks like? This is one of the most common complaints I hear from moms who have spent years focusing on everyone but themselves. If you want more for your life, you have to spend the time figuring out what you want that “more” to be.

“One of the main reasons why most people don’t get what they want is they haven’t decided what they want.”

Jack Canfield, The Success Principles

We tend to make the process of planning our future more complicated than it needs to be. We look outside of ourselves for the answer. We put pressure on ourselves to find the perfect path. We stay stuck in confusion and overwhelm.

Dreaming up your ideal future doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 3 simple steps to get you started.

Step #1 Create a list of 30 things you want to be, to do, or to have before you die.

Let this be fun. Don’t put pressure on yourself to find the perfect answer. It’s just a brainstorm of possibilities.

Don’t allow yourself to say, “I don’t know”. This is a dead-end thought that will shut down your creative thinking process.

Give yourself time. Write down whatever comes to mind and then come back to the list whenever a new idea pops up. Keep the list somewhere visible as a reminder to keep thinking about ideas for your future.

Step #2 Focus on what you do know.

We humans love to focus on what we don’t have or don’t know. Our thoughts give us the results in our lives, so as long as you’re focusing on how you don’t know what you want, you will continue to not know.

Focus on the things you do know. How do you want to feel as your future self? What kind of person do you want to be? How much free time would you like to have? What type of climate would you like to live in? What would you like to do more of?

Don’t get stuck in the details of the how. Stay focused on the things you do know. Keep adding to your list. You will notice that as you add things each day, you will uncover more and more ideas. Don’t worry if these things are possible. Stay in brainstorming mode and allow yourself to dream.

Step #3 Pick one small thing and get started.

Our brains are wired to protect us, so we tend to think we must have everything figured out before we take action. We want to stay in thinking and planning mode until we come up with the perfect plan. I want you to resist this urge and just pick one small thing you want to achieve. Don’t worry about how it contributes to the bigger picture.

The idea is to act from your heart-centered values, desires and priorities. The more you practice this skill, the clearer your vision for your future will become. You don’t have to know exactly what you want for yourself 10 years from now. Trust that as long as you are taking action from your heart, it will always lead you in the right direction.

But what if you’re finding it difficult to even come up with ONE dream on your heart – that’s okay mama.

I’ve got you. Let’s chat.

Book a free 30-minute session with me to uncover what thoughts are holding you back, and get started on creating the future of your dreams.

Get your spark back this week, I’m here to help.

Book here: https://schedulelindsayshortcoaching.as.me/minisession

The #1 Thing Holding You Back from Finding Your Purpose

The #1 Thing Holding You Back from Finding Your Purpose

A Buried Truth

You’ve been searching for purpose for a long time. You’re feeling pulled to do more, but you don’t know what “more” is. You’ve taken personality and strength finder tests in hopes of uncovering your perfect path. You’ve read books, asked for advice, and followed gurus – but you still have no idea what you want to do with your life.

What’s the #1 thing that is holding you back from finding your purpose? You’re looking in all the wrong places. You will never find the answer you seek out there, because your purpose lies within you. You already have the answer. It’s just buried beneath years of conditioning, limiting beliefs and living to please other people.

Finding Alignment

Finding your purpose is as simple as aligning your values with your interests and desires, so why does it feel so hard? Because somewhere along the way we lost touch with ourselves. Most of us have spent years learning how to act and how to be to get approval. Years making big life decisions based on other people’s expectations of us. Years putting other people’s needs above our own. We have spent so long pleasing and conforming that we have become numb to our own interests, priorities and desires.

It’s time to put yourself back on the priority list and get back in touch with your personal values, interests and desires. The future may not be entirely clear, but one thing is true: when you make decisions from your heart-centered truth, you will always be on the right path.

If you would like some help sorting through your limiting beliefs and uncovering your purpose, let’s chat. Book your 30-minute coaching session with me, completely free. CLICK HERE TO BOOK

A Positive Mindset Isn’t Enough

A Positive Mindset Isn’t Enough

Life is 50/50

There is a common misconception that life coaching is all about helping people create a positive mindset. Yes, a large portion of what we do in life coaching involves mindset work, but we are not pushing positive thoughts only. Part of the human experience is that life is 50/50 and will always have both positive and negative emotions. I believe that fighting this truth is an uphill battle that will only leave you defeated and exhausted.

Positivity has its place, but the bulk of the work I do with clients is around creating an intentional mindset. All emotions are driven by our thoughts. If we can learn to be intentional with our thoughts, then we can purposely choose how we want to feel at any given moment. Of course, we can choose to feel more happiness, excitement and inspiration, but the goal is not to feel this way all the time.

How do you want to feel?

If you have been spending your life chasing the ultimate happiness, I want you to ponder this: do you really want your life to be happy all the time? When someone dies, do you want to feel happy about it? How do you want to feel about your mom being diagnosed with cancer? What about rape or child molestation? I am guessing the answer is not happy.

The beauty of creating an intentional mindset is that you get to choose the emotions that serve you in each moment. Imagine your child breaks their leg on the monkey bars. The unmanaged mind may go straight into panic, worry or fear. Those emotions are not likely to help you or the child. On the flip side, would it serve you to feel happy? Probably not. Instead, you may want to feel calm or focused, so you can think clearly, spring into action and be able to reassure your child.   

Embrace the Negative, Increase the Positive

I love to help moms create more joy and happiness in their lives, but I also love to help them manage their negative emotions. The negative side is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to run your life. How freeing would it be to be able to handle any emotion? To stop running away, resisting, or numbing yourself from the bad feelings?

We may never get to a place where we have control over our emotions 100% of the time, but that’s ok. Perfection is never the aim. Book a complimentary 30-minute life coaching session with me and I will teach how to think and feel intentionally, so you can better manage the negative and create more happiness, excitement and inspiration.  

You can book your free session here: https://schedulelindsayshortcoaching.as.me/minisession

Losing the Baby Weight

Losing the Baby Weight

Hitting a Wall

Over the past year, along with growing my business, I also set a personal goal to get back to my pre-baby weight. I decided I was ready to finally get off this lose, gain, lose, gain rollercoaster for good. I started coaching myself through the life coaching weight loss program beginning last March, and it was shockingly easy to lose weight. Until it wasn’t.

My goal was to lose 29 pounds. A few months ago, I reached the 23-pound mark and leveled off. I hit an imaginary brick wall and told myself the last 6 pounds were too hard. Despite making major belief shifts to get this far, all progress stopped.  I talked myself out of the last 6 pounds, chalking it up as too much commitment while I’m focusing on my business.

A Life Changing Question

This January, an opportunity to work with a weight coach presented itself, and in a moment of bravery, I jumped at the chance. I recommitted to losing the last 6 pounds. In our very first session together, my coach asked me a life changing question:

What is everything you can do to open yourself up to the possibility of losing the last 6 pounds?

I was to sit down with a pen and paper and answer this question every day for a week. As a former corporate health coach, it was easy to rattle off a bunch of action items. Stop drinking wine at night. Stop snacking after dinner. Stop munching on my daughter’s chips or stealing my son’s French fries.

I already knew all the things I could be doing. So why wasn’t I doing them? I knew the answer was my thoughts, but I just couldn’t uncover which thoughts were holding me back.

Over the course of the week, I sat down and rewrote the same answers over and over. Until day 5. That morning I went to answer the same question and something clicked. I realized the question wasn’t really about the actions I could take to lose the last 6 pounds. It was about opening myself up to the idea that it is possible for me to do it.  

When I plateaued after making steady progress for months, I decided losing the last 6 pounds wouldn’t happen for me. I didn’t even consciously decide this. This limiting belief snuck its way into my thoughts and stopped me from making progress without me even realizing it. I lost the belief of possibility and I stopped trying.

Open Yourself Up to the Possibility

The day I realized this, everything changed. I stopped focusing on what I should and should not be eating, and instead focused on opening myself up to possibility. I let go of the identity I had created for myself that I would never be at my ideal weight. I let go of the story that I would be stuck with these last 6 pounds forever. This slight shift was exactly what I needed. I still have work ahead of me, but once again I have the motivation to move forward.

I’m curious: where in your life are you creating your own barriers? Where can you open yourself up to the possibility that change is possible for you? As long as you believe it’s impossible, it will be. Forget about the “how” for now. If you feel like you’ve plateaued in your progress toward a goal, try sitting down every day and asking yourself, “how can I open myself to the possibility of _______?” You just might get the shift you need to get you back on track.  


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