You Always Have a Choice

You Always Have a Choice

Wanting what you have

On my Thanksgiving Facebook Live, I talked about one of my favorite concepts I learned during certification at The Life Coach School. Here’s how it works: make a list of 25 things you want to be, have or do in life. Then look at the list and take note of how many items on that list you already have. If you’re anything like me, the answer will be zero.

The idea of consciously wanting what you have was completely foreign to me, but once I tried it, I was hooked. This practice is both profound and empowering. I like to think of it as taking gratitude to the next level.

Taking responsibility

Wanting what you have helps you to create love and acceptance for where you are right now, while also inspiring you to change and grow. This practice teaches you to take 100% responsibility for your life. Your spouse is not your spouse because you got married 10 years ago. They are your spouse because every day you have chosen to keep them as your spouse. When you accept responsibility for your life, you get to decide what aspects you want to keep and which you want to change.

There is always another option

If you ever catch yourself saying that you don’t have a choice, notice that this is a lie. We all have free will. There is always a different option. You may not like the other options, or perhaps, you’re just not willing to do whatever it takes to pursue them. If this is you, own it. You are the only person responsible for your life.

I challenge you to practice wanting what you have. Sit down and make a list of 25 things that you already are, have or do, and want to keep. Notice how this feels different than gratitude. Pay attention to what aspects of your life you don’t want to include on this list. Take responsibility for that and decide what you’re going to do about it.

Why Failure Should Be Your New Best Friend

Why Failure Should Be Your New Best Friend

We’ve turned failure into a dirty word.

We’ve equated it with a feeling of shame or embarrassment. What if I told you that failure is not an obstacle to success, but a necessity? That you should be embracing failure instead of fearing it?

If you want to create change in your life, you must step out of your comfort zone. Let’s say you want to find a new job. You apply, you interview and then you don’t get the job. You failed. What are you making it mean? If you decide it means you’re incompetent, then you’re going feel shame and quit searching.

On the flip side, if you decide it’s just another step closer toward completing your goal, you’re going to keep applying to jobs until you find one.

Failure is just a learning opportunity.

I like to think of failure in terms of a science experiment. Did you know it usually takes between 10 and 15 years to develop a new vaccine? If scientists gave up after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trial, vaccines wouldn’t exist. They don’t see each failure as a sign they should quit. They use it as a learning experience; a stepping-stone toward success.

There is no successful person alive who has not failed at some point. They just didn’t use it as an excuse to quit. They failed, they learned, and they kept going. I’m not saying it was easy or without disappointment, shame or embarrassment. Even if it’s hard, it’s ok, because you can do hard things.

The next time you notice you’re afraid of failing, do it anyway.

Stop Punching Yourself in the Face

Stop Punching Yourself in the Face

You Are Your Own Worst Critic

What if I called you a stupid, fat and lazy mom who will never do anything of value in life? You would probably hate me, right? Then why are you saying terrible things like that to yourself? Bullies can be downright mean, but the biggest bully of all is often your inner voice.

When you try to lose weight, who tells you it’s impossible and that you’ll never be the weight you want? You! When you dream of success, who doubts that you’ll be able to get there? You! Who tells you over and over that you don’t have any passions, that you aren’t providing any value in the world, or that you’ll never have your sh*t together? Again – you!

I’m here to tell you that your inner voice is a liar. These things aren’t true. They may feel very real to you, but they are just thoughts. Want the best news? You get to decide what you think about yourself. No matter what’s happened in your past, what you see in the mirror, or what you’ve accomplished so far, you get to decide who you are.

Awareness is Everything

The first step to this process is always awareness. What thoughts are you currently thinking about yourself? Often it is so automatic that you don’t even notice it’s happening. I challenge you to sit down for 10 minutes and just write all the thoughts in your head. No filtering. No holding back. You may be shocked to see the amount of negativity down on that sheet of paper.

Here’s the secret to life: our thoughts create our emotions, and our emotions drive our actions. If you’re thinking terrible things about yourself, you’re naturally going to feel pretty crappy. Guess what’s not going to happen when you feel this way? You’re not going to put yourself out there or show up in your life in the way you would like. You’re going to hide behind your limiting beliefs and block yourself from your true potential. In a nutshell, you’ll never grow into the person you want to be if you keep metaphorically punching yourself in the face!

The Art of Happy

The Art of Happy

Where Does Happiness Come From?

What would make you the happiest version of yourself? Whenever I ask my clients this question, they usually respond with something external like more money, being skinny, having a husband (or maybe wishing for a different one). That’s because they’re buying into the trap that we need to seek happiness outside of ourselves.

The truth is that happiness comes from within. All feelings are created by our thoughts, not our circumstances. It’s not surprising that most people confuse the two because we’ve been conditioned from a young age to believe that buying a certain product, losing weight or finding the right man or perfect job will make you happy. It’s simply not true.

I can already tell that some of you will read this and not agree. You will look to your past for examples of times when changing something outside of yourself made you truly happy. Perhaps you were struggling financially and asked for a raise a work. When you got the raise, you were ecstatic. But it’s not the raise itself that made you happy, it was the thought that you finally wouldn’t have to worry about money.

Money itself doesn’t have the power to control your emotions. It’s completely neutral. You had a thought about it that generated your excitement. Why is this distinction so important? If you had negative thought patterns before your raise, they won’t magically disappear when you get more money. This is exactly why most lottery winners end up miserable. They think money will solve all their problems, but then they realize it’s not true. Money doesn’t make you happy. Your thoughts do.

Think Yourself Happy

It sounds so simple that thinking happy thoughts can make you happy, but here’s the kicker: you must believe the thoughts. If you think you are fat, you can’t just tell yourself you’re the perfect size and instantly be happy. This isn’t a fake ‘til you make it scenario. You’re not going to automatically go from thinking you are fat to loving your body. You have to believe it.

When I first learned this concept, it made sense but felt impossible. I can create my own happiness by thinking happy thoughts, but how am I supposed to believe them? Then through life coaching I learned how to cultivate self-awareness, manage my mind and start to truly believe on purpose. It changed everything.


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