2 Things You Need to Know if You Want More

by | Jun 25, 2020

You’ve done everything you were “supposed” to do in life. You’ve got the house, the spouse, the kids, the job. Life is good, but deep down you want MORE. And you feel selfish and ungrateful for even thinking it.

But let me tell you mama, just because life is good, doesn’t mean it can’t be better. Just because you’re lucky enough to stay home with your kids or have good job, doesn’t mean you’re meant to do it. Just because you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, doesn’t mean you have to stay here.

If you know you’re meant for more, here are two things you need to know:

1. It’s okay to want more out of life. Your dreams and desires matter. They are your soul’s way of nudging you toward the life you were meant to live. A life where you feel most alive.

2. The “more” you secretly yearn for IS possible. Look, I know stepping outside of your comfort zone is scary. But it’s okay to color outside the lines. It’s okay to make a dramatic leap, even if it doesn’t make sense. You wouldn’t have the dreams you have if they weren’t possible for you.

Whatever your more is, I want you to give yourself permission to want it AND permission to go after it. Go out and pursue your true purpose, even if it’s the risky or unpopular choice. Your goals and your dreams are worth pursuing. Listen to the pull. The life you were meant to live is on the other side.

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