Three of the most common misguided thoughts we have surrounding self-confidence destroyed…so you can start feeling better today.
Myth #1: If I were skinnier or prettier, I would be more confident.
I hear some version of this misguided belief all the time. “I will be so much more confident when I can fit into my skinny jeans.” “If only I looked like her, then I would be confident.”
The belief that you have to change your looks to feel good about yourself is not only poisonous, it’s simply not true. Being pretty or skinny will not automatically make you love yourself, because self-confidence has nothing to do with your outward appearance.
Self-confidence is created by your thoughts. Period. You can build your confidence by deprogramming your thoughts – without having to get a makeover or change the number on the scale.
Myth #2: I would be more confident if my husband complimented me more.
Here’s another truth bomb >>> Your brain only cares about what YOU think about yourself. No amount of compliments from someone else will boost your self-confidence. No one else is in charge of how much you love yourself. It always comes from within. Your underlying thoughts and beliefs about yourself are what will make or break your self-confidence.
Myth #3: Success equals confidence, and since I’m not where I want to be yet, I can’t fully step into my confidence.
Your self-confidence does not come from your job, your achievements or the amount of money you make. It’s time to dismantle these myths that have been programmed into us from a young age. As long as you’re chasing accolades and promotions to create your self-confidence, you’re robbing yourself of the opportunity to step into your power NOW.
You do not need permission to be self-confident. You don’t need to “earn it” through success, your appearance, or from other people’s opinions of you. If you want to feel great about yourself now, release these 3 myths and start to be deliberate with the thoughts you think.
All it takes to start building confidence is ONE SHIFT in thought. How amazing is that?
If you want some support or guidance on creating your shift, come join my free FB group. We are spending the entire month of March learning to build self-confidence and step into our power.
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