How I Became a Positive Person (Without Being Fake)

by | Dec 16, 2020

I’ve always considered myself a realist. A truth teller.

And I never understood the people who only focused on the positive. It seemed fake. I was certain they were suffering just as much as I was on the inside, and they were only pretending to be happy.

Then I started studying life coaching and learned that what we say and think, about life and about ourselves, matters. Our thoughts determine how we experience our time on this earth. So basically, if we think something sucks, it for sure is going to suck. But if we choose to believe something is awesome, it will be awesome.

Sounds simple enough. And then 2020 happened. Suddenly I was running a business and helping my kids with virtual learning – and guys, it was freaking hard.

My coach told me to look for the good. To just focus on the positive and trick my brain into believing something new. And the more she told me that, the more I felt like punching her in the face. It felt so fake to slap on a smile and pretend everything was hunky-dory when I was struggling just to get through the day.

I dug my heels in and held tight to my belief that 2020 sucked. So of course, it did suck. For a long while.

And then I hired a new coach and she taught me that it was ok to embrace the suck. I welcomed and processed the anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, and resentment. I allowed this to be my truth.

But here’s the secret that changed my life: you can look for the positive without dismissing the negative. Things can suck AND be good – at the same time.

I learned to own my struggle instead of fighting against it. And I also learned to simultaneously (and consciously) pay attention to all of the good in this world.

Then legit magic happened. I naturally let go of the suck and started noticing positive things. Without forcing it, I had become a positive person.

A few weeks ago, I was journaling and this thought came to me: “This year has been a triumph.” Mind. Blown. I had turned my negative “realist” attitude into positivity, without slapping on a fake smile or pretending.

If you want to learn how to also become a genuinely positive person (without faking it), let’s hop on call. If I can do it, I know you can too.

Book your free call here:

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