The #1 Thing Holding You Back from Finding Your Purpose

by | Feb 7, 2020

A Buried Truth

You’ve been searching for purpose for a long time. You’re feeling pulled to do more, but you don’t know what “more” is. You’ve taken personality and strength finder tests in hopes of uncovering your perfect path. You’ve read books, asked for advice, and followed gurus – but you still have no idea what you want to do with your life.

What’s the #1 thing that is holding you back from finding your purpose? You’re looking in all the wrong places. You will never find the answer you seek out there, because your purpose lies within you. You already have the answer. It’s just buried beneath years of conditioning, limiting beliefs and living to please other people.

Finding Alignment

Finding your purpose is as simple as aligning your values with your interests and desires, so why does it feel so hard? Because somewhere along the way we lost touch with ourselves. Most of us have spent years learning how to act and how to be to get approval. Years making big life decisions based on other people’s expectations of us. Years putting other people’s needs above our own. We have spent so long pleasing and conforming that we have become numb to our own interests, priorities and desires.

It’s time to put yourself back on the priority list and get back in touch with your personal values, interests and desires. The future may not be entirely clear, but one thing is true: when you make decisions from your heart-centered truth, you will always be on the right path.

If you would like some help sorting through your limiting beliefs and uncovering your purpose, let’s chat. Book your 30-minute coaching session with me, completely free. CLICK HERE TO BOOK

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